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About: Our vision is to create a Masternode and a reliable cryptocurrency with a real use case in a real trade market. KingsCoin aims to help improve transactions at native islands by establishing itself as an alternative mode of payment. For every purchase made at our registered merchants, consumers will be rewarded with bonus points, that when accumulated can be exchanged with physical goods. On top of giving value to local fiat currency, KingsCoin also acts as an alternative trading currency that may ease the problems of inflation among all traders and consumers at native islands. Unlike many other ICOs that speculate or fabricate the volume of coins, KingsCoin emphasize transparency by controlling and regulating the volume of our coins, which can be accurately reflected based on the volume of traded coins on electronic exchange platforms as well as real world exchange. With this, we believe that KingsCoin can benefit you, as an investor, who can either stake with us or use the coins as an alternative means of tr
